What Do You Want? (More)

What do you want? I mean, what do you really, really want? *  *  * (Assuming you came up with what you really, really want:) What do you want more? Huh? Whatever it is that you have (now), is what you want more. WHAT!? Whatever it is you want most is what you are creating….

It’s All About the WHY

Something just occurred to me: “What about all the folks that say they want to do X, or be better at Y or stop doing Z? They all say they want to change but complain it’s too hard, or they can change for a while, but eventually “slip.” The truth is that the “how” is easy when…

Who Laws Are For

Laws control the lesser man . . . . Right conduct controls the greater one. – Mark Twain Someone with a strong character needs no external guide or precepts to determine behavior. Where do you look for guidance? Do you consult “laws” to see what’s acceptable? Or do you consult your ethics to see what’s…