Merry Christmas
As long as we know in our hearts what Christmas ought to be, Christmas is. – Eric Sevareid
I hope you find the true spirit of Christmas in your heart and enjoy the day.
In this post I am, as they say, going to get real. Maybe in sharing something I’ve kept to myself I can face the truth of it. I am going to talk about a situation going on my life right now. Something I’m struggling with and something that I want to “put out there” in…
If you got a few minutes, this is an interesting (if perhaps nostalgic) take on how things can change (and not necessarily for the better). Click here to hear Derek’s story about how he misses the Mob.
Focus your messages on the results you expect, not on the methods for doing the job. – Marty Brounstein Whether it’s a goal you have, or something you want from others, it’s always better to focus on being clear about what the outcome looks like (than try to prescribe the methods). This way methods can be…
Time is a created thing. To say, ‘I don’t have time’ is to say, ‘I don’t want to.’ – Lao Tzu What do you spend your time doing? The key is that time is a limited resource and what you do with it matters. When you say you can’t do something it’s because you’ve decided (consciously or…
Not everything requires (just) “action.” So often the result of considering a problem or goal is asking: “What are you going to do about it?” It’s a useful question, for the most part. But it’s a micro strategy. Long-standing problems or significant goals require something more than micro – they require a combination of mindset,…
Even after all this time the sun never says to the earth, ‘You owe me.’ Look what happens with a love like that. It lights the whole sky. – Hafiz I recently had a realization similar to the quote above. I was waiting for love to come to me, to be loved and cared for…