Do We Each Create Our Reality?
If my Reality is how I experience the World, and how I experience the World determines what I feel and do, and I create my Reality then I can feel and do whatever I want.
I had the above though the other in response to something I read and wanted to unpack it here a bit.
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The first bit: “If my Reality is how I experience the World,”
Is this true? I believe it is.
We each have our own “Reality” and because of this we can experience the same event and have a different opinion of and reaction to it. Sure there are commonalities of experience, but we each – by virtue of our collected thoughts, beliefs, judgments, biases, blind spots and experiences – have our own way of experiencing the World.
Next: “and how I experience the World determines what I feel and do” is, for me, finally, self-evident.
The inverse of this is true as well: how I think and feel determines my experience of the World.
Finally, and perhaps most powerfully, “and I create my Reality then I can feel and do whatever I want.”
We each create our own reality, however unconscious we may be to this process.
If we keep coming up against the frustrations, or annoyances, or obstacles or things that keep us thinking small and being stuck, it’s because we’ve created a Reality that creates these things in our minds.
It’s almost as if our Reality is a system of roads, with a number of destinations. If we don’t like the experience of driving on the roads (our emotions), or where they take us (our results), we can create new roads (and have different emotions) – which will lead us to new destinations (and different results).