Complete Your Incompletes

Whatever is incomplete in your life is a drain on your energy. Incompletes are open cognitive loops that demand constant mental energy (whether conscious or not). I am not suggesting that you’ll never has incomplete things in your life. You will. But it matters what “form” they’re in. I recently realized that there are three…

Weeding the Garden of Character

Character is like a garden. It matters what you plant and how you care for it. You must also regularly weed your “garden,” being mindful of non-resourceful habits (little or big) compromises and your standards. If you let these things slip (i.e. you don’t weed your character garden), your character, and life, will suffer. It also…

How To Have More

We can have more than we’ve got because we can become more than we are. – Jim Rohn What do you think of this? Your belief on this idea is one of the most important determinants to your level of peace, happiness, fulfillment and achievement.

Is Love Necessary?

In terms of what you do, I mean? Should you, as so many say, love what you do? Read this article and come back . . . . *  *  * So, what do you think? Has your answer changed, or evolved even? I think, as the author does as well (in his own way),…

We’re All Born Creative

The enemy of creativity… is fear. We’re all born creative, it takes a little while to become afraid. A surprising insight: an enemy of fear is creativity. Acting in a creative way generates action, and action persuades the fear to lighten up. – Seth Godin But you’ve got to make the first move. You need to be creative. Otherwise…