Get Better, See Who Responds

Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you, so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place. – Unknown Through our socialization, and because of our nature as humans, we become like those around us. We become like our families,…

Dream Bigger, Act Tinier

Just wanted to share with you something that was shared with me: ***** Whenever you think that your needs are not met, you’re telling the story of a future. – Byron Katie Because the present moment meets all needs; it’s only the future that does not. That’s why my friend Rich Litvin always reminds us…

What Do You Expect? Of Yourself?

High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation. – Jack Kinder So many people have low expectations. It’s “safer” that way. If you don’t want much, you can avoid “failure.” The thing is there’s no such thing as failure, just results. Sometimes the results are not what we desired and/or anticipated. That’s…

Are You Floating, or Improving?

However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results. – Winston Churchill We often think we have the right strategy, usually because it isn’t creating something painful or terrible, but don’t regularly examine our results. It’s a form of floating through life that’s really just avoiding pain. Sure, we make some plans and…

The Unlived Life

If the unexamined life is not worth living, . . . it’s equally true that the unlived life is not worth examining. – Parker Palmer This quote pretty much speaks for itself. Yes, we must examine our lives, and ourselves, continually throughout our lives, but that’s only half of what’s necessary. We must have a…

Want To Be Miserable?

If you want to be miserable, get yourself a future. – Byron Katie There’s a difference between dreaming, goal-setting and planning for the future and being stuck there.* Which are you doing? How’s it going? ***** * Nothing happens in the future, only in the Now.

Glow in the Dark

Sometimes Seth Godin puts out something so good I need to share it with you, in its entirety: Some people are able to reflect the light that lands on them, to take directions or assets or energy and focus it where it needs to be focused. This is a really valuable skill. Even more valuable,…