
There is something that permeates every aspect of your life. Something so pervasive that you likely don’t notice it, or its effects. This something is like water to a fish. It’s your mindset. Your mindset is how you interpret everything. It is the lens through which you filter and view everything that happens, and doesn’t…


According to Webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary (Unabridged, Second Edition) there are 16 definitions of character; I will list those relevant here: 7. an individual’s pattern of behavior or personality; moral constitution; 8. moral strength, self-discipline, fortitude, etc.; 9. reputation; 12. a statement about the behavior, qualities, etc. of a person; recommendation. What character does is…


86,400 seconds in a day. 10, 080 minutes in a week. ~730 hours in an average month. We all have same amount of time. Time, while relative in its experience, is constant in its duration. There is no adding time. Or slowing it down when we need more. Time is a constant. It is unmanageable…