How To Get Everything You Want
“You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar
This quote resonates for so deeply I am compelled to write another post about it.
At times I’ve been frustrated in building my business, in developing relationships and sometimes with life in general. Every time I feel frustration, or a desire to give up and hide, I find that I am not serving.
It’s (usually) hard to see that in the moment, but it gets easier and easier with practice.
But enough about developing awareness, that’s a subject for a whole other series of posts…
Whatever it is you want (with an infinitesimal number of exceptions), it comes from relationships with – and service to – other people.
If there’s something that you want, if there’s something you think is missing, serve. Ask yourself what can I offer to make those around me better off?
If you need help, offer help. If you’re confused and not sure what to do, offer someone assistance in solving a problem. If you’re down about something, find someone whose spirits you can brighten.
It’s true that it can be hard to offer help when you need it yourself, so don’t wait that long.
Be proactive.
Offer help, often. Offer your gifts with regularity. You’ll find that when you do, the help or resource(s) you need, when you need them, are there.
As Harvey Mackay says, “Dig your well before your’re thirsty.”