Get On Your *Own* Team
[The essence of self-esteem:] “If I’m not on my team, why would anyone else be?” – Robery Downey, Jr.
I heard Robert say that while being interviewed on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
It’s sheer frickin’ genius.
So simple, yet so profound – and surprisingly, something I’ve never heard anyone say (quite like that… ).
I’m not, nor was Robert, talking about arrogance or anything of that nature. Being on your own team is believing in yourself as much as the people around you do.
(Or as much as I do, as a coach, my assumption is that you have everything you need to discover what it is you want, to get started and keep going on a course of experimentation as you grow, develop and generally enjoy your life.)
I left my “note” (the bracketed text) in above because believing in yourself and what you can do is so vitally important and key to the modelling necessary to engage others in helping you achieve your goals.
People want to help. But they want to invest their time and energy wisely. Show them – beyond any shadow of doubt – that you’re a winning “team” and that you’re happy to welcome quality people aboard.*
* It goes without saying that it’s just as important to show people you’re worthy of help as it is for you to make wise investments of your time and energy with others… it’s the magic of interdependence.