Why Be Happy?

There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy. By being happy we sow anonymous benefits upon the world. – Robert Louis Stevenson . . . because it has two important benefits: 1) you get to be happy 2) you serve as a living, breathing model of what to do….

Your True Wisdom

I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my Soul. – Rumi Your true wisdom, the “teaching of your Soul” is sometimes difficult to hear, but always available. It is not what the media might try to tell you…

Keep Moving

It does not matter how slowly you go up, so long as you don’t stop – Confucius Just. Keep. Moving. No matter how scary or daunting or uncertain, just keep moving. (Of course, I don’t mean move just to be in motion, but in general, keep moving.)

Whatever You Do, Don’t

. . . make any New Year’s Resolutions. They. Don’t. Work. The whole thing is an artificial construct that only makes you feel about yourself (and gives you a bad impression of goal-setting and achievement). What should you do instead? Well, you shouldn’t do anything. (Do things because you clearly and authentically want to do them.)…

There’s Always Work To Do

I watched a video this morning that triggered me. It was one of those I-just-have-a-minute-here-on-vacation videos shot by some self-help-ey kinda people and as far as it went it was okay, I guess. The person was talking about how important it is to shift from “lack” thinking to “abundance” thinking – an attitude of gratitude and…

Your Mind Is a Projector

. . . and not a camera. We project our thoughts and “sense-of-things” onto the World. Nothing in the world is stressful, or difficult, or complicated or beautiful, elegant or amazing. As Shakespeare said: “for there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” We think we see things, but we really just…