Who > What > Why > How

What’s the formula for achievement? Where should we put our focus to achieve our goals? Interestingly, most people focus on how and what, usually in that order. At the very least they are increasing the time it takes for them to get what they want. *  *  * WHO The most important, and first, thing…

Notice. Choose. Return.

The above is the formula for using your thoughts and emotions in a way that serves you. A practice of thinking, feeling and noticing that will allow to be more content, fulfilled and prosperous. What do the three words mean though? How could just three words mean so much? *  *  * I was driving…

When Patience Goes Too Far

Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it’s cowardice. – George Jackson One of the great skills of life is discernment. It’s easy to tell the difference between black and white, hot or cold, up or down, . . . . But being able to tell the difference between patience and procrastination is…

Why Expectations Are Toxic

High expectations are the key to everything. – Sam Walton What I’m about write may be semantics, but with humans, semantics are everything. Many people have expectations, especially of others. They are often hidden, or veiled and rarely if ever discussed. I want you to consider replacing the word “expectations” with either Agreements or Standards….