It’s All Good

Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it! – Ram Dass We can learn from everything in our lives. If we choose to. Or we can continue to live small lives, with recurring issues. Which would you rather have?

Prepare. Work Hard. Learn.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. – Colin Powell How are you preparing? Are you preparing enough? Are you over-preparing? Are you working hard? How do you know? How smart are you working? What are you learning? Do you notice what works and what doesn’t?…

Dreams vs. Goals

A Goal Without a Plan is Only a Dream… – Brian Tracy Dreams are nice. They are wonderful. They are absolutely necessary. Without dreams the world wouldn’t change for the better. With dreams your life won’t change for the better. *  *  * But dreams are not enough. You must create, deploy and update a…

Fear and Ability

Grown-ups, unlike children, equate being afraid to do something with not being able to do it. – Steve Chandler What a wonderful distinction! What if the only thing that was really holding you back was not knowing how to do something? Not knowing what to do? What if all you needed to do was ask someone…