A View of Enlightenment

I read recently that the Dalai Lama said that enlightenment is love and insight working together, like wings on a bird. I love this idea because it conjures a rich metaphor for understanding our lives. Neither love or insight alone is enough to live well. Both must come together and act in concert for us to to…

One Way Coaching Works

People make the best decision they can with the information they have available, and do the best they can with what they have. On its face the above isn’t that controversial, but do you believe it’s how things work? Do you think it’s how you live your life? I would argue that it’s the only…

What’s Really In Your Way

“A man’s doubts and fears are his worst enemies.” – William Wrigley Jr. This is the fear Roosevelt was talking about… We each create our own reality (by how we think). When we think optimistic and* realistic thoughts we can meet any situation with strength, confidence and intelligence. When we don’t we will be hesitant,…

Freedom, Authenticity and You

“Only free people can hold their purpose and their honor steady to a common end, and prefer the interests of mankind to any narrow interest of their own.” – Woodrow Wilson Wilson, of course, is speaking of the freedom that citizens (of a country) with liberty have. That, when encumbered by oppression and the like…

Everyone Needs To Train (and everyone needs a Coach!)

I subscribe to a weekly newsletter from the Nightingale-Conant company.They, mainly, provide educational and motivational audio products. I have and listen to many of their programs. The newsletter that arrived in my Inbox Sunday night was quite interesting, specifically a table describing the ratio of training-to-performance for different professions/events: The point they were trying to…

The Worst Phrase Ever

A little quickie for your Monday morning: The worst phrase, just about ever, is “I can’t do that because… ” I’ve been hearing that a fair bit lately, or I’ve been noticing more lately. Mostly it’s others saying it, but sometimes it’s – in one for or another – in my head. When we say I can’t…