The Difference
“If anything terrifies me, I must try to conquer it.” – Francis Chichester
Sometimes what scares us is what we must do.
Sometimes it’s the last thing we should do.
Knowing the difference is one the key skills of a great life.
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. – David Viscott No commentary from me here. Just offering you this thought.
Focus your messages on the results you expect, not on the methods for doing the job. – Marty Brounstein Whether it’s a goal you have, or something you want from others, it’s always better to focus on being clear about what the outcome looks like (than try to prescribe the methods). This way methods can be…
“A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.” – William Shedd Of course we cannot spend all our time in the “harbor.” A boat is for sailing, and fulfilling the intent of the boat; it might be a fishing boat, or a container ship, or a kayak… Every boat has…
If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you. – Steve Jobs How much are you resisting what you do? How many “have-tos” do you have in your life? Ideally, life is a collection, and series of, “get-tos.” What do you get…
A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner. – English proverb Stress gets a bad rap these days. It’s mis-understood and thus, vilified, and, also, in a sense, glorified. Article after article, study after study, TV segment after TV segment and book after book talks about how terrible stress is and the terrible impact it…
Practice is the best of all instructors. – Publius Syrus In fact, it is really the only true instructor in that you only actually learn something when you actually do* the thing. * * * * And the more you do it, the deeper the learning.