Live Before You Die
An “oldie” but a goodie… I am such a fan of the idea of living while you’re alive.
This Friday’s external resource is not a TED Talk, but instead from Harvard Business School’s Working Knowledge blog. In a very interesting post Francesca Gino talks about how and why we get side-tracked. Why, despite out best efforts, we don’t follow though as we plan, or sometimes, not at all. Click here to read the post.
So many people say they can’t “get inspired” when they need or want to. Doing anything from a “place” of inspiration is a merely a function of using your body and mind in a particular way. Not feeling inspired? You’re using your body and mind in a certain way (i.e. you are maintaining a certain physiology and…
I watched this story on ESPN (watch the video, go ahead… it’s amazing) and was moved. “Moved” really doesn’t cover it though. Matt’s story penetrated to my core and helped me ask myself what am I allowing to get in my way. When I was real with myself about the things that I let stop me,…
Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape. – Charles Dickens Everything we experience has the potential to be a learning and growing experience. It is up to…
“I am a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work, the more I have of it.” – Thomas Jefferson The truth in TJ’s words is something I was blind to for some time, and I resisted it after that (still do, but less… ): it is only when we get…
I just read an article by a mentor of mine that got me to thinking. The article talked about why one of his clients was having such a hard time, whether or not his past success was a fluke and if he could create it again going forward. His client conceded that he was, at…