It Is ALL About Priorities

“Action expresses priorities.” – Mahatma Gandhi

This is such a vital, critical truth.

It’s true in two ways:

First, our results – what we have created as a result of our actions – are 100%, no-exceptions, a mirror of our priorities.

What we have or don’t have (good/bad relationships, healthy or un-healthy weight, sound finances or crushing credit card debt,  . . . ) are direct expressions of our priorities.

Second, what we move towards is the direct result of our priorities (i.e. what we choose to put first, prior to, or before, all else).

Going forward, our priorities are our goals put into action each moment, each, each day, each week, each month, each quarter and each year.


Put another way: I can know your priorities in the past by your results and I can know what your goals are by what you prioritize now.


There are three things we need to master to examine and adjust our priorities so that we create the results we truly desire. I discuss them in the following post: click here to read.

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