How To Get Rich
Never forget: the secret of creating riches for oneself is to create them for others. – Sir John Templeton
The earning, and deserving, of all you want comes through service.
Speeches that are measured by the hour will die with the hour. – Thomas Jefferson Anything that takes too long to convey will be experienced as an ordeal. That which is delivered with relevance, wit and dispatch will be valued – and remembered. Be brief. Be complete. Be useful. It’s possible to do all three….
It was a trick question, I apologize. (If you’re slightly confused, please see Part 1 of this post.) In my opinion, it’s either possible, or it isn’t (and it’s always possible, in some form . . . ). You are either deserving and worthy or you’re not (and I can’t imagine too many instances where…
Only those who constantly retool themselves stand a chance of staying employed in the years ahead. – Tom Peters The only job security, if there is such a thing, is intelligently growing your skills and abilities to meet future challenges and opportunities with ambition, capability and capacity. What your learning plan? How are you growing?
It’s easier to forego temptation than it is to stop after only a bit. For example, it’s easier to not have any ice cream at all, than it is to eat just the “recommended portion.” In these situations inertia serves us. If we’re standing still in relation to something (for example, the ice cream in…
Everything in your life is there as a vehicle for your transformation. Use it! – Ram Dass We can learn from everything in our lives. If we choose to. Or we can continue to live small lives, with recurring issues. Which would you rather have?
“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” – John Wooden Often, many of us, are easily distracted by the new, the shiny, the novel. And big things. We take note of grand accomplishments and gestures. Yet we don’t notice so much. Our brains are natural filtering mechanisms. There’s simply too…