What (Real) Optimists Do
Optimists are those who go after Moby Dick in a row boat with a bucket of tartar sauce. – Zig Ziglar
First off, nobody beats Zig for deep truth delivered well.
Second, the key take-away here (I humbly suggest) is that the Optimist is one who takes (intelligent/bold/authentic/useful/necessary/game-changing) action.
So many people pooh-pooh optimism and talk all kinds of smack about optimists have their heads-in-the-clouds and don’t understand how the “real world” “works.”
People who spout optimistic words, but cling to the safety of routine and the known live in a fantasy-land of little-to-no progress.
The people that get important stuff done are the optimists Zig is talking about.
People with big ideas, strong belief and willingness and ability to take real action.
Where do I grab my tartar sauce . . . !