The Beauty of Better Problems
The problems you have now are an outgrowth of the goals you had before.
Author Request: for the sake of this post, let’s agree that “problems” are actually “opportunities.” That by solving the issues that come up as a result of pursuing our goals we have the chance (or, opportunity . . . ) to create value. (And when we create value we differentiate ourselves, develop internally and externally and advance.)
When you formulated your current goals you began taking action and created a version of your life that is unique, and different than if had you pursued other goals. The frustrations, issues, problems and challenges you are facing now, are a direct result of your choices then. However your “now” is, is inextricably linked to what you wanted then.
The point here is that we (should) want to have better frustrations, issues, problems and challenges. We learn and grow more from and get rewarded more handsomely for solving these higher-level problems.
Being that the only constant is change, and that as systems change they must re-organize in a harmonious way lest they disintegrate, problems (and solving them) are a fact of life. To the extent that we find (positive, constructive) meaning in the never-ending genesis and evolution of problems, we will set ourselves apart from the resisters.
To get these desired and wonderful better problems, we need to have better goals. How do we do that? We commit to life-long learning and improvement and we uncover and solve any internal obstacles or friction to said development. (That, put simply, means: to believe in ourselves and that we are worthy and capable of continual improvement and increasing levels of fulfillment, self-expression, reward and compensation (reward and compensation being money and other forms of wealth).)
In the light of the above, ask yourself: how good are my current crop of problems? Would better problems be better? Am I not wanting more for myself, my family and my life because I’m worried that I won’t be able to handle what that asks of me?
If you’re feeling those fears, you’re in good company (many smart, capable people sometimes think similarly) and mistaken: you are capable of more than you think and worthy of anything you can want for yourself. Have better goals and solve better problems, it’s the way to be who you truly are — and deserve to be.