Are You Doing Things, Or . . .
are they doing you?
My new favorite blogger explores that and more here.
Either what happens changes our mood… or our mood changes the way we narrate what happens. – Seth Godin People don’t seem to understand that we can either be blown about by the winds of circumstance or we can feel the winds of life, know that it’s sometimes windy and figure out how to use…
“Our greatest enemies, the ones we must fight most often, are within.” – Thomas Paine And the enemy’s greatest ally are the lies we tell ourselves. When we keep our promises, to ourselves, the internal battle fades to nothing.
I recently read a post on Johnny B. Truant’s blog that really hit home. So much so that I wanted to do two things: share it with my readers and 2) think on and write about each piece of his post. The post is “20 Truths About Life No One Wants To Believe” and the fourth one I…
When you’re going somewhere you’ve never been to, what do you do? Do you just wing it? Do you just start driving and figure it’ll all work out? Of course not, but that’s what so many people do with their lives. Sure, they might have a vague plan, likely a mash-up of family and social…
You can become an even more excellent person by constantly setting higher and higher standards for yourself and then by doing everything possible to live up to those standards. – Brian Tracy The best person you can compete with is yourself. Strive to better each and every day. * * * Did you make a…
Achievement seems to be connected with action. Successful men and women keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit. – Conrad Hilton Success is a process. A process that includes triumphs and non-triumphs (i.e. failures). As long as we do two vital things, we will be successful: 1) Learn from everything that happens 2) Keep…