*Nothing* Happens for a Reason
You’ve heard the saying “everything happens for a reason?”
Well, nothing happens for a reason as well.*
Just as there are no accidents in the Universe, and all effects have their causes, all lack-of-effects have their not-causes.
Whatever we do or don’t have in our lives is the result of what we do or don’t do.
What’s missing from your life, that you want, but are not acting on or towards?
What is it that if you course-corrected a bit, or started something (even something small . . . ), would begin to come into being?
And, because it’s usually the “small” things that we long for with the greatest frequency, it’s these things that will usually make the biggest difference in our lives.**
Typically, these are the things that are closest at hand – yet just beyond our awareness (because, through our inaction, they are all but hidden to us . . . ).
All we need do to create these things is to begin in a small, real way. To create a bias for action in ourselves by acting more and more. By experimenting more and more. And – egads! – perhaps even “failing” from time to time.
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* I found this idea/these-words on Rich Litvin’s Facebook page; he is a brilliant coach and I am grateful for who he is and what he does.
** The interesting thing about acting on and moving towards the “small” things you want is you begin to recreate yourself into someone who takes action, gets things done and achieves goals both small and large – even Usain Bolt started out crawling.