Making A Living Or A Life?

Are you making a “living” with some life thrown in here-and-there, when possible? Or, are you making a “life,” with some work thrown in? *  *  * I understand that I might be mis-stating the proportions a bit, but the point is worth considering. *  *  * When we “make a living,” at least in…

Focus On What’s Real

Rejoice in the things that are present; all else is beyond thee. – Michel de Montaigne The only things that are real are those things in front of you. Your opinion of things in front of you is not real. What’s actually in front of you is what’s real. You can only act on what’s…

Look Forward, Mostly

Never look back unless you are planning to go that way. – Henry David Thoreau There’s a reason why the windshield is so much larger than the rear-view mirror. Ever think about why the rear-view mirror isn’t larger in a car? Probably not, because it’s just about the right size. We can learn a lot…

Go Beyond Mere Action

Not everything requires (just) “action.” So often the result of considering a problem or goal is asking: “What are you going to do about it?” It’s a useful question, for the most part. But it’s a micro strategy. Long-standing problems or significant goals require something more than micro – they require a combination of mindset,…

Practice Makes . . . ?

So many people have heard the old saw “practice makes perfect.” It’s wrong. Just. Plain. Wrong. I was watching a Tim Ferriss Four Hour Life video and he quoted a top chef who says: “practice makes permanent.” It’s true. Absolutely 100% true. What you train, you ingrain. Whatever you practice creates muscle memory and neural pathways…