A Virtuous Cycle of Failure

“The purpose of life is to be defeated by greater and greater things.” – Rainer Maria Rilke If you’re not “failing” you’re likely not doing anything worthy of your efforts and talents. Consider you have two (at least… ) sacred aspects: your labor and talents. Your labor is your effort, your hard work, your doing…

Fear and Passion

I am interrupting my watching of Seth Godin on Jonathan Fields’ Good Life Project to explore an idea Seth presented. Brother Seth was talking about how people begin things and how whether they are 1) afraid and 2) if they care impacts what happens (if anything). I had an idea to map the idea, using a…

Create An Amazing Life Instead

“Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” – Seth Godin Pretty self-explanatory, but I’ll buttress the sentiment with what is arguably my personal motto* (borrowed from Viv Savage, the keyboard player in This Is Spinal Tap): “Have a good time, all…