What Is Success?

Success is a skill.

It’s not something we arrive at, or get, or have bestowed upon us or finally possess.

It’s something that must be developed, over time, and continually re-made and renewed.

It’s what we choose to think.

It’s how we choose to think.

Are we choosing useful and constructive thoughts? Are we meditating and training our mind to calm and effective? Are we practicing gratitude and focusing on what we value and what works?

It’s how we choose to act and the habits we create and nurture.

It’s how we choose to eat, drink and sleep. Are we eating healthy foods and portions? Are we drinking plenty of fresh, clean water? Are we getting at least seven hours of sleep per night and taking regular recovery breaks during the day?

It’s who we associate with and how we treat the people in our lives. Are we spending time with people that support and stretch us? Are we carefully and regularly nurturing the relationshiops that we truly value? Are we shedding relationships that don’t serve us? Are we talking with ourselves in a supportive and accurate manner?

These (among others) are the things that make up the practice of success.

How are you doing with your practice?

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