The Width and Depth of Your Life
“You can’t do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth.”
– Henry Louis Mencken
Where has your life narrowed?
Where is it shallow?
What do you want instead?
The lessons we need to learn, the lessons we must learn, will – invariably – keep showing up until we learn them. Case-in-point: my current desire to shed weight, become lighter and live my Ideal Weight. I am happy to say that I am making progress. I am shedding weight because my behavior has changed. My behavior has…
I have long thought about, and emphasized the importance of, understanding how the three sub-systems of our brain (reptilian, limbic and cortex) work together (and sometimes don’t) in creating our experience of life. Our experience can be made better, optimized even, if we bring sufficient understanding of how our brain works and awareness to our…
I recently read a post on Johnny B. Truant’s blog that really hit home. So much so that I wanted to do two things: share it with my readers and 2) think on and write about each piece of his post. The post is “20 Truths About Life No One Wants To Believe” and the…
Obviously, there is little you can learn from doing nothing. – Jim Rohn To get better, you must learn. To learn you must do (things). What are you doing?
I was reading a great article from Mark Manson wherein he introduces a Law. He calls it Manson’s Law of Avoidance and it goes as follows: The more something threatens your identity, the more you will avoid doing it. This is such a valuable thought and insight. It explains why we so often don’t do…
I read and listen to a lot of self/personal development stuff. But all that reading and listening doesn’t amount to a hill-of-beans (speaking of which, has anyone ever seen an actual “hill-of-beans” and is one all that desirable?) without application. Information without application is interesting and sometimes entertaining, but it’s never transformative – it doesn’t change anyone…