Never Work A Day in Your Life
“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Confucius
What’s true has been true for a long, long time – there’s really little I can add here.
Passing along more genius-stuff (from in my Inbox) from Hugh MacLeod (please, please subscribe to his Newsletter by clicking here!): [Click the below picture to make it larger.]
Are intentions important? Absolutely. Is there something more important though? Something that will thwart your intention? Uh-huh. It’s how you feel. You can intend all you want, but if you don’t feel like doing something it won’t happen. Without the emotional energy, in the moment, intentions are useless, worthless. Like a fire place with no wood….
In a way, life – and success – is simple. When you’re clear about what you want – and it’s what you deeply, truly, authentically, want – and you have a flexible, iterative and properly supported learning process for moving towards your goals* all you need do is the work. The day-in/day-out work. And that is easy enough if…
If you want something you’ve never had, then you need to do something you’ve never done. – Ian Knabel This is true because what you’ve been “getting” is perfectly in-line with what you’ve been doing. Even if it’s just a slight tweak, you must adapt and learn and do new things if you want your…
Every calamity is a spur and a valuable hint. – Emerson Yes, I am riffing off the recent political meme in the post title. (“Never let a crisis go to waste.” (Attributed, I believe, to Rahm Emanuel).) That aside, Emerson’s words are an extremely valuable reminder. We ignore “failures” and “calamities” at our peril. Every…