Failure Is Impossible
Act as though it is impossible to fail. – Anonymous
Everything produces a result.
Therefore, “failure” is impossible.
Now what will you attempt?
Make yourself proud. – Peter W. Smith Who do you spend the most time with? Answer: you. Who is the person whose esteem is most important, to you? Again: you. What makes this so powerful for me is when you approach it from a different angle. Who do you need to trust the most? Your…
So many people have heard the old saw “practice makes perfect.” It’s wrong. Just. Plain. Wrong. I was watching a Tim Ferriss Four Hour Life video and he quoted a top chef who says: “practice makes permanent.” It’s true. Absolutely 100% true. What you train, you ingrain. Whatever you practice creates muscle memory and neural pathways…
Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming. – John Wooden One of the things I love about John Wooden is his focus on 1) fundamentals (/habits) and 2) doing the best you can, irrespective of…
A man who wants to do something will find a way; A man who doesn’t will find an excuse. – Stephen Dolley, Jr. It matters less what the ultimate result is; only that one has started, and worked, and learned, and adapted, and finished “something.” Or we can make up a story about why we can’t…
I recently read a powerful story, recounted by Earl Nightingale, about a preacher traveling the countryside and a beautiful farm: There’s a classic old story about a conversation between a farmer and a preacher. The story goes that the preacher was driving down a country road when he came upon the most beautiful farm he’d…
The idea of balance is prevalent for people today, Specifically, the meme of work/life balance. Many see this as a call to allocate one’s life in certain proportions. As if there is an ideal amount of time for each area that will “balance” the scales, and presumably, result in happiness and fulfillment at work and…