What You Say, You Become

The words you speak become the house you live in. – Hafiz This is going to be a short post. Language is a tool of meaning. Human beings are meaning-seeking and meaning-creating creatures. With meaning we create and understand our Worlds. If we choose our words carefully and well, we create an amazing life. If…

What Do You Believe?

Belief creates the actual fact. – William James What you believe you create. How? Simple. You act in accordance with your beliefs. Your beliefs are the thoughts you no longer question. They are unlike the myriad thoughts you have forgotten or dismissed. Your beliefs are the thoughts that have hooked your attention, are sufficiently congenial…

Gifts and Inherent Duty

The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read. – Mark Twain I may have blogged this quote before, but it bears repeating. I believe our human lives are an amazing gift. We have an amazing opportunity with our human bodies, brains and minds. I will admit that I…

How Happiness Changes

As we get older, we tend to be more focused on protecting what we have, as opposed to seeking what we want. Click here for an interesting article from positive psychology researcher and thought leader Heidi Grant Halvorson. Have you noticed this in your life? If so, are you playing smaller than you might? Are you…