EI Competencies: Emotional Self-Awareness (1/18)

This post focuses on the first competence of Emotional Intelligence*, Emotional Self-awareness (contained within the Self-Awareness Domain): Leaders high in emotional self-awareness are attuned to their inner signals, recognizing how their feelings affect them and their job performance. They are attuned to their guiding values and can often intuit the best course of action, seeing…

Where Are You Stuck?

There are three places you can be stuck:* the past, the present and the future. If you’re stuck in the present, then coaching can help you. If you’re stuck in the past or the future, you need something else. “Stuckness” in the present is easy to fix (relatively speaking . . . ). Generally, getting…

Imagination & Reality

“Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” – Albert Einstein Whatever you focus on, with emotional intensity, comes into being. Let’s dissect that a bit: “Whatever you focus on,” the thoughts and images you repeatedly create in your mind; “with emotional intensity,” whether you feel or generate positive or negative emotions around something,…

It’s Who You Get To Be

Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory. – Mahatma Gandhi This reminds me of John Wooden’s teaching that it doesn’t matter if you win, if you don’t play your best, and it’s okay to lose if you do. The great privilege, and reward, is the competition, and who it…