How To E-Mail
Super quick post . . . I wanted to share this excellent resource:
Super quick post . . . I wanted to share this excellent resource:
As I write this (11/12/2013) the Jonathan-Martin/Richie-Incognito/Miami-Dolphins saga is still very much unfolding. I just read a post from Seth Godin and it got me to thinking. If it is indeed true that the Dolphins’ coaching staff encouraged, or requested that, one of their players “toughen up” another then, as a “coach,” I find that…
“Only free people can hold their purpose and their honor steady to a common end, and prefer the interests of mankind to any narrow interest of their own.” – Woodrow Wilson Wilson, of course, is speaking of the freedom that citizens (of a country) with liberty have. That, when encumbered by oppression and the like…
You don’t have to hold a position in order to be a leader. – Henry Ford Well, leadership requires a great many things as it happens. But one thing not required is a title, or a “leadership position.” Anyone can lead. They may not be “in charge,” but anyone can step up and make things better,…
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has. – Epictetus One of the most powerful things I’ve ever done is start, and continue – no matter what – a gratitude practice. Every day I write down five things I’m grateful for….
Everything you need to be great is already inside you. Stop waiting for someone or something to light your fire. You have the match. – Darren Hardy Not that I’m prone to vandalism of street signs or anything, but I often wanted to have a little stencil made up that said “Stopping Yourself.” I would…
“Pessimism leads to weakness, optimism to power.” – William James Pessimism is like asking yourself “How can I fail? How can I connect with, and strengthen, my not-being-able-to-do-it thoughts?” Optimism is asking yourself, “How can I succeed? How can I call the best of me, of others and what’s around to create the best result…