The Power of Howcani
There’s this thing so powerful.
It is the foundation of all achievement and accomplishment.
Understood and applied, it will lead to a wonderful life of learning, growth and healing.
Ignored, it will leave you bored, listless, unfulfilled and miles from ever reaching your potential.
Howcani will change your life, IF you learn how to use it properly.
Howcani is a way of thinking that will unlock everything.
Howcani is the means by which you will create whatever you want in life.
It’s not some ancient Hawaiian wisdom tradition.
It’s not a drug, or a potion.
What is it then!?
Yeah, just three words.
It’s a simple question.
But, thing is, we humans run on questions.
We are in constant dialog with ourselves.
Always asking myriad questions.
And never being satisfied with non-answers — even if the answers we create are sh*t.
To paraphrase a meme: ask sh*tty questions, get sh*tty answers.
Conversely, ask constructive, useful, relevant, inspiring questions, get constructive, useful, relevant, inspiring answers.
It’s when we understand that power and harness it, that we shift our lives.
The key is we must have a clear and compelling Vision.
If we are to make use – in a positive way – of questions, we must have a clear and definite sense of 1) what we want, 2) where we want to go and 3) who we want to be.
That’s the Clear bit.
But that’s not all.
It must be Compelling.
It must matter.
To us.
Once we have that clarity, we can use the power of Howcani to be and do anything we want.
We will have exactly what we need to achieve our goals and live well.
(And it will happen easier, and faster.)