The Beauty of Service
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less. – C.S. Lewis
Real humility is where kindness comes from.
When we think of ourselves less, when we know we’re okay, we can look beyond ourselves.
This is where and when really, really cool things can happen.
This is where service happens.
Any kind of service:
Service to those around us, to the familiar.
Service to people we only see occasionally.
Service to strangers and people we may never meet or speak with.
Service to our fellow human beings.
When we serve we express ourselves in the purest way.
Service is a being a channel – an expression – of love.
It’s being what we are: an endless supply of love and goodness and usefulness.
It’s only when we let our Ego prevail that we disconnect from our true, loving, nature.
Choose your true nature: creation; limitlessness; kindness.
Choose Love.